What is The Extinctions?

Our goal with The Extinctions is to produce clear, thoroughly cited and up-to-date articles discussing the Quaternary Extinctions - the mass vanishings of species that have taken place across the world over the last roughly 50,000 years. We wish to elucidate the past, both for its own sake, as well as to explore the ways in which extinctions of ages past have, and continue to, mold our planet today. Extinction is not a phenomenon exclusively restricted to our modern times, nor can the fate of such creatures as the woolly-mammoth and marsupial-lion be neatly divided from the declines and vanishings of more recent species.

Our subject-matter is not without controversy, and the available literature is often scattered and difficult to view holistically. Our approach is to take the broadest view possible - to explore every possible angle, every relevant subject, from archaeology to ecology, from ancient fire-regimes to modern hunting-practices. In doing so, we hope to provide the best and most accessible overview of those extinctions that have shaped our world.